French African Christian Education (F.A.C.E.), primarily supports the Bible Training Center in Benin and graduate preachers. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a board, constitution and bylaws.
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On Campus
Benin, Africa
The Bible Training Center (BTC) located in Benin, Africa offers a three-year degree program for French-speaking African preachers.
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Off Campus
West Africa
F.A.C.E. operates the Irene Morgan Legacy program which aids in the construction of church buildings throughout Benin. Outreach also includes the distribution of Bibles in native languages throughout West Africa.
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Recent News

England Name Executive Director
French African Christian Education (F.A.C.E.) has announced the hiring of Dr. Richard England, Henderson, Tennessee, as its new executive director.
For the past 26 years, he and his wife, Dr. Barbara England, have been members of the Freed-Hardeman University faculty. Before joining the FHU faculty, Dr. Richard England worked in education in various capacities including teacher and school administrator and at the state department level in higher education. He has served congregations for more than 45 years as a Bible class teacher, minister, deacon and elder. The Englands have done short-term mission work in several countries including Haiti, Scotland, Belgium, Poland and the Republic of Mauritius.
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What we've done with
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300Preachers Trained
350Church of Christ Congregations Planted