George Akpabli’s missionary role is overseen by the elders of the Benton church of Christ in Benton, Kentucky. The eldership established the Benin Bible Training Center and now works in partnership with F.A.C.E. for the mission of winning French-speaking Africa for Christ.

F.A.C.E., or French African Christian Education, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a board, constitution, and bylaws that primarily supports the Bible Training Center and graduate preachers.
Since the early 1990s, the beginnings of French African Christian Education and the Bible Training Center located in Benin, Africa has focused on training preachers, teachers and workers in the Lord’s kingdom. The emphasis has been, and continues to be, on training individuals to spread the gospel of Christ in French speaking Africa. The opportunities and challenges continue to be great but so are the efforts to meet the demands of “going into all the world.” There are an estimated 141million souls in Africa who have French as their primary language. The board and staff of FACE and BTC have determined to increase the efforts to reach more of these souls and bring them to Christ. These efforts will not be easy. It requires dedication, work, much prayer and focus on the importance of planting the seeds for God to give the increase.
You can be with us in this endeavor. We want to continue to build on the foundations laid by others to reach the French speaking world. With your continued prayers and support, we can, together, have a stronger outreach to spread the gospel of Christ throughout the world.
Our Staff