Sending the Light and Sharing the Light

December 2022
Every trip begins with the first step forward. Sometimes the step is on a road you’ve seen once before, but there’s often a new speed bump to slow your speed down. Many years ago a young 10 year old girl watched a missionary from Japan present a slideshow on a projector one Sunday evening. She had memorized Mark 16:15-16, saw the pictures of a faraway place and decided that someday she would take a trip to a faraway place, and share the gospel. Fast forward 50+ years and the same girl headed with her husband who is the ExecutiveDirector of FACE for their second trip to visit the Bible Training Center in Benin, Africa.We sing a song “Send the Light” in church. “There are souls to rescue; there are souls to save, send the light, send the light. Your generous donations are sending the light. When we shared that there was a need for chairs for two of the congregations in Africa, individuals provided funds for chairs to be purchased. Thank you for your continued generosity. “Let us not grow weary in the work of love.”