Looking Forward

October 2021
Any worthwhile effort brings both opportunities and challenges, and that is the case with the Bible Training Center and French African Christian Education. Greatly blessed through the years, the past 25 years of effort have led to more congregations of the Lord’s church, ministers of the gospel and church leaders in French speaking Africa. The vision of individuals such as Bill Morgan, George Akpabli, Ed Jones and others has grown into approximately 250 ministers of the gospel trained at the BTC, 350+ congregations planted and 15,000+ Christians.
Building on this 25-year foundation, those with BTC and FACE are planning for the future. Our Lord instructs us that “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). The FACE Board of Directors’ thoughtful and forward-looking decisions at the last board meeting included supporting three graduates of BTC as they work to complete their advanced university degree. These graduates are preparing themselves to fulfill a 10-year commitment to teach at BTC. That type of dedication further ensures the future of the Bible training programs. The board also made the decision to seriously study the opportunities to seek school accreditation over the next year. A consultant from the Benin Minister of Higher Education and Research office will examine BTC programs and facilities. Strengths and weaknesses will be examined, as the board focuses on continuing the growth of Christian education in the French speaking world.
All efforts of BTC and FACE will continue focusing on the initial mission of training individuals in the gospel of Christ to share the word of God, His promise of salvation and eternal life. Agricultural and vocational training programs preparing students and their families for greater levels of self-sufficiency will be sustained. There are stronger initiatives to teach children at an early age about God’s love and promises. Discussions are being held with Healing Hands International about the possibility of drilling wells in remote regions where the Lord’s church exists but water access is difficult. BTC Director Inoussa Adjayi and his team are dedicated to quality instruction and opportunities to let French speaking Africa know the love of God through Christian examples.
To our partners in this work, thank you for all you have done and are doing. Your prayers and support sustain this work in the kingdom of God. Please visit the updated FACE website to find more information about what has taken place and future plans.
Thank you again for all you do.
“Que le Seigneur vous bénisse et vous protège! Que le Seigneur fasse briller sur vous son visage et qu’il ait pitié de vous” Nombres 6: 24-25.