French African Christian Education (F.A.C.E.), primarily supports the Bible Training Center in Benin and graduate preachers. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a board, constitution and bylaws.
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On Campus
Benin, Africa
The Bible Training Center (BTC) located in Benin, Africa offers a three-year degree program for French-speaking African preachers.
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Off Campus
West Africa
F.A.C.E. operates the Irene Morgan Legacy program which aids in the construction of church buildings throughout Benin. Outreach also includes the distribution of Bibles in native languages throughout West Africa.
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Recent News

Reflections of the Chairman of the Board, Todd Kempton
For over 30 years, the Bible Training Center of Benin has been sharing the soul-saving message of the Gospel in French West Africa, leading to the establishment of numerous congregations and countless lives transformed in Christ.
It is our Lord’s desire that every person in every land have the opportunity to both hear and respond positively to the soul-saving message of the Gospel. The value of the human soul is incalculable. That is precisely what the Bible Training Center of Benin is seeking to do. For over 30 years, we have been about the business of soul-saving in French West Africa. God has tremendously blessed these efforts, and numerous congregations of the Lord’s church have been established. Untold numbers of individuals are now brothers and sisters in Christ, for which all the glory goes to our Heavenly Father.
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What we've done with
your help
300Preachers Trained
350Church of Christ Congregations Planted